Hosting A Spring Lunch With Style and Panache

Hosting A Spring Lunch With Style and Panache

During the eighties, my husband and I often accompanied my grandmother, Sister Parish, to Sunday lunches with her friends and clients in " the country." On many a spring Sunday, we would meet at her New York apartment, where she would eagerly take the wheel of her cinnamon-colored Cadillac. Being a passenger with Sister was a roller coaster – she drove at breakneck speed and paid little heed to traffic signals. Alan Campbell famously remarked that she drove like an "outlaw," crossing lanes at high speeds without batting an eye.

We visited Brooke Astor's house in Briarcliff (Beechwood), Betsy Whitney's house on Long Island (Greentree), Albert Hadley's in Southport, and, my favorite, her childhood friends in Far Hills. These lunches followed a similar pattern: cocktails beforehand, no hors d'oeuvres, decadent creamy dishes like creamed chicken or shepherd's pie, vegetables from the garden, and lively conversation about the contents of that Sunday's New York Times. Interestingly, politics were frequently discussed as was the marital state of many high profile New Yorkers. Dominick Dunne might as well have been at the table. As we drove down the long pea stone driveways (except at Albert's), she would sigh and glibly proclaim "not a leaf in sight," observing the manicured lawns. On the trip home, we would discuss the menu and she often said there might have been "trouble in the kitchen" if a cheese souffle had not risen correctly.

Perhaps because of these memories, and those of happy weekends spent at friends' parents' houses as young city dwellers, I have a fondness for weekend lunches. Recently, we hosted a sinful Friday lunch for friends and clients at our house in Lyme and it was happily a lot like those with my grandmother. Here's how to host a memorable lunch that offers a welcome respite from our overly programmed busy lives.

Setting The Scene

If you want an alternative to a formal (or missing) dining room, setting a table in front of a fire is a guaranteed way to create a warm and inviting vibe. Simply throw a favorite tablecloth over a folding table, and you're ready to go. There's something about a fire that instantly relaxes everyone and fosters a sense of coziness and intimacy . We're fortunate to have a fireplace in our new barn room, so we always have one going when we entertain.

Setting The Table

I love Gregory Parkinson's tablecloths and have a collection that I vary with the seasons. I am a collector of vintage china and candlesticks so anything goes in mixing and matching those. For a master class on table setting and flowers, make sure to have read Mieke Ten Have's book Interiors: Styled by Mieke Ten Have cover to cover. Always use cloth napkins and mix those up as well if the color spirit moves you. My mother loves to include small ceramic objects from the house to add interest and a special flourish. Flowers of any kind in small mixed vases are also a necessity for any good table setting.

Some of our favorite Gregory Parkinson tablecloths.

Curating The Menu

EASY is always the name of the game and it doesn't take much to show your guests you have put time and effort into your lunch. I love Snake River Farm's bone-in ham which is already cooked and you just heat it up for a few hours. This also gives you an opportunity to use multiple vintage finds for mustard choices and add a sumptuous aroma when guests arrive. I add some kind of homemade macaroni and cheese or scalloped potatoes (I love the Smitten Kitchen cookbooks by Deb Perelman for these), salad and a wonderful tart from a local bakery and you are done.

Designing a house or apartment and entertaining are part of the same emotion, so put them together in a way to make people happy, inspired and entertained and your life will be that much more full.

Cheers, Susan

Playroom designed by Suzanne Kasler and photographed by Mali Azima for House Beautiful magazine.