Sister Parish Design Partnership with Parsons School of Design MFA Textiles Program

“Through the partnership with Sister Parish Design, students investigated and explored the role of craft locally, researched the global history of craftsmanship, and discovered how new innovations and technology are influencing the field. Students also examined materials and new uses for textiles, and what permanence and sustainability means with regards to wallpaper and other home textiles. Throughout the course of the collaboration, students researched, virtually visited factories, and heard from leading textile experts and designers.” (Parsons press release)
MFA student Shradha Kochhar incorporated mixed media such as fabric scraps and recycled paper through hand-knitting, while evoking the Sister Parish aesthetic.
MFA student Saige Devlin spun shredded Sister Parish scrap fabric into yarn, using it to weave a series of rag rugs.
MFA student Jing Li used a spinning wheel to create thick yarn out of Sister Parish scrap fabric, then wove it into a series of rugs.
MFA student Hongci Hu made handmade paper from recycled Sister Parish wallpaper and fabric scraps, then printed variations of Sister Parish Designs on them.
MFA student Erin McQuarrie explored the potential of using waste fabric and wallpaper scraps to make unique art pieces for the home.
MFA student Chuyi Sun used digital techniques to collage original Sister Parish designs reimagined into new patterns.
MFA student Licca Hsiao used digital techniques to design patchwork-like patterns using Sister Parish prints.
MFA student Layla Klinger reimagined our Palmetto print into a wallpaper printed with thermochromatic ink, which changes color according to the ambient temperature.
The MFA Textiles program students also created "lyrical living spaces" in which they envisioned the application of Sister Parish swatches to living space collections: the outdoors, the bedroom, the kitchen, and the living room.

Designers: Saige Devlin, Yini Hong, Licca Hsiao, Layla Klinger, Shradha Kochha, Huiting Li, Jing Li, Sreeraghavi Mani, Erin McQuarrie, Liz Sandler, Chuyi Sun, Uyen Tran, Hongci Hu
Project Leaders: Layla Klinger and Shradha Kochha
Project Mentors: Preeti Gopinath and Anette Millington
Want to learn more? Check out these press features: