Behind the Seams | October 2024

Requirements for a happy life.
October madness kicked off with a spectacular book launch for the divine Mieke ten Have. We celebrated her new book and endless talent at the Zak and Fox showroom with an intimate book signing in the city. Eliza and Jackson visited our wallpaper printer and went into deep dives on new grasscloth designs coming soon. Earlier this month, we did a spotlight on grasscloth in one of our emails and recalled the importance of texture in design. We can’t wait for these new designs to join our collection.
Mieke's book and pictures of wallpaper paint dyes! We custom color these together with our printers.
We also had the pleasure of visiting Boston for Beacon Hill Book’s “Design Day.” I got to talk shop with design greats Lisa Fine, Veere Grenney, Cathy Kincaid, Amanda Lindroth and Kathleen Hackett, the writer of The Maine House I and II. Both Veere and Amanda have new books out and they are AMAZING. If you haven’t already, add these to your holiday wish list, or just go ahead and order a copy. You won’t regret it.
Beacon Hill Books
Design Day Reading List
Eliza and Lilse McKenna were guest speakers at Designed to Design in Darien, CT, and it brought back memories of their days together at Markham Roberts office. They both spoke about Sister’s impact on modern design with Lilse emphasizing how, in Sister’s time, Americans were less confident in mixing patterns and colors - something we often overlook today. At Sister Parish Design, we wholeheartedly embrace the blend of Indian block print, chintz, ikats, and so many other prints. This is why we work to maintain a diverse textile collection, as we believe this is what keeps a room truly captivating.
Scenes from Designed to Dine (Ellie Gilbert, Jackson McCard, and Eliza enjoying Table 9)
What struck us throughout these frenzied days is how much we love and rely on our creative makers in what Veere aptly calls his new book Seeking Beauty. From the artful screen printers to interior design authors, we are all working in the world of emotion, as Amanda Lindroth emphasized in her talk at Design Day. We want our clients to feel loved and cherished in their houses that fill their souls. Veere and Susan agree that a fire, a dog happily asleep, and a good book are all requirements for a happy life. We love this notion going into a busy, but fun holiday season!
Now, on to Trick or Treat!
- Tags: Behind The Seams