Summer Heritage Series: The Living Room

The Living Room
There are two living rooms in the Summer House, and both are infused with American folk art, from carved wooden animals to hooked rugs to vintage wicker. Here, our family's love of collecting is the most resonant. Layers upon layers of paintings and objects from Sister's travels to Apple's to Susan's create a mishmash of memories and a feeling of comfort and design storytelling in every nook and cranny.
The living rooms are frequently used for gathering after dinner and on rainy days, so like all of Sister's rooms, they are high on comfort. Squishy sofas, colorful rugs, and a lot of books everywhere are a constant. Dogs luxuriate along with kids, so the mood is always welcoming. That is what a true "living room" should be.
"There is not a thing in this house that doesn't have a complete story of our life together. Objects from our trips to Europe, England and every antiques store as far north as Canada- all have a niche and home, loved and cherished."
Rainy days and cold Maine summer nights are spent in the living room surrounded by family, friends and dogs.